Jeevan Saral Chart

You can start paying a premium just from Rs. 250 in Jeevan Saral. The death cover you get in Jeevan Saral is simply 250 times of the monthly premiums, the premium paid excluding first-year premium and loyalty addition if any in a lump sum.
The Maturity benefits will be Sum Assured plus Loyalty additions, if any, is payable in a lump sum.
This is a with-profit plan and participates in the profits of the Corporation’s life insurance business. It gets a share of the profits in the form of loyalty additions which are terminal bonuses payable along with death benefit or maturity benefit. Loyalty Additions may be payable from the 10th year onwards depending upon the experience of the Corporation.

Jeevan Saral Chart:

Basic Premium 250 500 1000 2000 5000 8000 10000
Plus DAB 5 10 21 42 104 167 208
Net Monthly(with DAB) 255 510 1021 2042 5104 8167 10208
Net Quarterly(With DAB) 766 1531 3063 6125 15313 24500 30625
Net Half Yrly (with DAB) 1516 3033 6065 12130 30325 48520 60850
Net Yearly (with DAB) 3002 6005 12010 24020 60050 96080 12100
SUM Assured (10 Yrs) 62500 125000 250000 500000 1250000 2000000 2500000
S.A. + DAB 125000 250000 500000 1000000 2500000 4000000 500000

LIC Table 165 maturity chart:

We see many maturity charts on internet or pamphlets shown by insurance agents but they are not issued by LIC of India. The calculation of maturity money is shown on their own assumption Many of the charts are seen with IRR @ 10% which is tentative, you never know what exactly the earning LIC will make. Comparing to other plans like Jeevan Anand, this plan does not reveal a bonus each year. The bonus will be included in your maturity if you stick with the plan for minimum 10 years. The first batch of this policy is going to get bonus declared in 2014, so it will also decide the future of this investment and the bonus trend.

Please note we have received several complaints regarding the fraud chart but that is just an assumption nothing else. Check your insurance documents before investing.


  1. first of all, Thank you very much for the clarity on jeevan saral chart. I was also shown same chart but I was unsure about the maturity.mThanks again

  2. sir,
    all the policy holders should go to consumer court for fraud charts shown because these charts are disolayed in the premises of lic office and the lic administration keep silent on the issue and now they are telling that lic is ignorant.The pumplates carry lic monogram also with comparison with post office.I think LIC should consider to extend help to the policy holders to keep its noble image.I am also a suffere and contacted the lic office


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